Pleasant Township Road Department is responsible for road maintenance and drainage issues within the right of way. We currently maintain 30.8 miles of road in a 43.04 square mile area. The Township also works together with various other government agencies including Prairie, Jackson and Scioto Townships, Metro Parks, Franklin County Engineers, SWACO, Franklin Soil and Water Conservation District, and Franklin County Public Health.                                                                  


Pleasant Township  does not have a zoning department. We rely on Franklin County Economic Development and Planning for zoning questions and building permits.

Water Quality

The majority of Pleasant Township is in the Big Darby watershed this includes Big Darby and Little Darby Creeks, Hellbranch Run, Smith County Ditch, Lightfoot Ditch and almost every ditch and small stream in the township. Due to Big Darby being listed as a National and State Scenic River, it is the duty of every Pleasant Township resident to do their part to keep the waters of Big Darby and Pleasant Township clean. We need be mindful about things like washing vehicles on hard surfaces because of soaps, solvents and road grime. Dispose of household chemicals and paints properly, keeping yard wastes and pet wastes cleaned up, and keeping track of areas on your property that are prone to soil erosion. because when these items reach a storm drain they enter the water shed. If we all contribute a little bit it can make a big difference. For more tips and ideas about protecting our water quality contact Franklin Soil and Water Conservation District.

Illegal Dumping

Since Pleasant Township is mostly rural, illegal dumping does sometime occur. If you witness illegal dumping get a license plate number, a description of the vehicle, and a description of what was dumped. For illegal dumping go to

Installing Driveway Culverts, Yard Pipe Tile, or Excavations in the Township Right of Way

Any person installing driveway culverts, yard pipe tiles, or making excavations in the Township right of way, must first obtain a permit from the road superintendent.  This includes downspout, sump pump and any drainage lines going into a township tile or open ditch according to Ohio Revised Code 5571.16. The permits are free of charge and are needed to make sure culverts and drain lines are properly installed to avoid future problems.  To obtain a permit please call Robert Bausch at 614-877-4338 or email at:

Useful Links

  • Franklin County Economic Development and Planning   614-525-3095


5373 Norton Road
Grove City, Ohio 43123
Phone # (614) 877-4338
Fax # (614) 877-9795​

Road Department